Homestudy COMPLETE!

So only 12 days after committing to Laina we have A LOT done!!! We are moving quickly...way quicker than we thought we would be initially! Lots going on behind the scenes here lately!

We had our homestudy this morning. The same social worker who did our HS for Zoya came back again and she was great! We are blessed with the fact that our homestudy only costs $1,100 including HS reports, milage for social worker to and from Pittsburgh, and notaries! That is a lot less than many people pay. AND our HS agency works very quickly. We will have our draft copy the first week in August! It would be sooner but our SW is going on vacation.  So the visit went great (except for Miss Sassy pants having to show the SW where time out is after she took the SWs shoe off her foot and wouldn't give it back even after being asked nicely and having mama count to 3....she decided to hang on to the shoe and hang her head down pretending she didn't hear a word I was saying......ahhhhh Zoya you are so stubborn and I hope that character trait helps you stand your ground in important situations some day! LOL).

For those of you who followed our journey with Zoya you might remember we decided to give the overly anxious Mya-dog some benadryl before the HS last time. We wanted to put our best foot forward and didn't want Mya misbehaving.  Don't call PETA the dosage was okayed by the vet LOL. But half way through the homestudy Mya wasn't moving AT. ALL. Shawn caught my eyes with his with a look of panic and gave her a little nudge with his foot to see if she was still with us....she barely moved and I glared back at Shawn trying to tell him to chill out...but half panicking myself because it was MY IDEA to give her the benedryl and what if I just killed my would I hide the fact that she was dead until the social worker left....and how would I ever forgive myself? LOL.  She finally picked her head up, looked at us in a daze and went back to sleep! Since that hillarious event, Mya has been prescribed prozac and is a much less anxious dog. That paired with her vibrating remote control collar to remind her to chill....she is VERY well behaved...haha! In fact, today when the social worker said, "I've never seen such a calm dog" I almost bust out laughing flashing back to our last homestudy, but I contained myself!

The social worker was very impressed that we already have Laina's room painted a nice shade of pink called "hello dolly." Thanks to Shawn for working his tail off painting the whole room AND all the oak trim white! Zoya likes to go in Laina's room and say "baby" although she refused to tell the SW whose room it was LOL.

We are one step closer to being able to love on our sweet Laina chicky! I can't wait to kiss those chubby cheeks and love on her!!! Thinking she could be home before Christmas makes my heart skip a beat! I bought her a fluffly little polka-dot fleece snowsuit yesterday and I can't wait to see snuggled up warm inside when its freezing here (which happens to be about 9 out of 12 months a year!).

Laina chicky I can't wait to have you in my arms and snuggle you and love you and kiss you and tell you all about your big sister and your life in America and how great it will be! Without you here it seems a part of us is missing....hopefully soon we will all be home together lovin' on one another!! Love you sweet chicky! We're coming soon!

Don't forget to donate to our beach giveaway to help bring Laina Hope home!! See the post below if you haven't yet!!


  1. I'm such a loser I have been following Zoya forever and check here all the time to see if there are updates. I could get so much done if it wasn't for your family! You guys are truly blessed and inspired me to start a little adoption fund for when I can bring a princess or prince home!!

  2. Wow, you guys are flying through the steps so far!!

  3. Oh Ms. Zoya is a rascal. So happy to hear that the visit went well and that you are on the fast track to get Laina.


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